Swanson Pony
“My pony was taking a nap up by the barn. A bossy gelding told one of the horses to move. When she hustled out of his way she didn't see the pony and tripped over her, stepping on her leg in the process. When the vet came, she said there would be little chance of the sutures holding for more than four or five days because of the damage to the tissue. She put 4 or 5 sutures in the vertical part of the wound and left the bottom part open to drain. She had bought a jar of Equaide but hadn't had the opportunity to use it. I changed the bandage the next day. Everything looked well, but on the next bandage change the sutures were starting to fail and it was looking a bit oozy. I cleaned it off, applied the Equaide and wrapped it again. Next bandage change was 48 hours later. The wound was dry and the sutures were holding well. I continued changing her bandage and reapplying Equaide every other day. By day 10 I was able to remove her sutures, but the bottom part that was left unsutured was still a bit open. I rewrapped it again after more Equaide and when I unwrapped it four days later, it wasn't just healed to a closed over scar, but the hair had grown back. The second picture was at two weeks after the injury happened. It was like magic.” - Kathy S.
"Here is a picture history of the healing of my horse's leg thanks only to your product. Your product really did save his life. I spent $1,000 and had 3 vets in the first month before I found your product. I have told everyone I know who owns horses and got a local feed dealer to carry your product. I had a veterinarian refer a client to me to show her how to heal her horse's leg (he said that conventional treatments would not work for the wound her horse had). "Elvis" would have been euthanized had I not found your product. People think I work for you, but I am so excited about the success I had with your product that I feel compelled to share with others. Anyone who thinks your product is expensive should think again! I spent a total of $182 healing this wound (plus diapers). All I can tell anyone is: Buy the product, follow the directions and if they need help to call you. I did and have the proof. Once again, thank you, thank you, thank you." - Laura B.
"It worked on my hen that we found had been attacked by something in the coop, she healed great and even grew back her feathers. Thank You Equaide!! - V.B.
"I used it on the paws of my coonhound after he got cut running through the woods. It stuck well to the pad of his foot and he didn't seem bothered by it. I will keep it on hand for the future. Good stuff " - Ron
" My Penny had a bad hotspot and we had some Equaide from the 4H auction. We cleaned her up, applied the Equaide and after just 2 days she was no longer licking at the area. Works great! We will never be without Equaide again!! Thank You!! - Linda T.
Sonny - we used Equaide on our dog Sonny when he was in a tangle and received some scrapes. Equaide was safe enough and gentle enough to use around his eye. The product stayed where we put it and it is safe and non-toxic if he licked it. He healed really quick and never showed any displeasure while we were applying it to his wounds. Easy to apply, stays put and heals extremely fast. Awesome product!! - K.B.